New Amster Who Dis

I’m gradually working towards getting another hamsterβ€¦πŸ˜†. I get basically zero hamster time with CroΓ»ton so having her has not had too much impact on my daily life. Still nice to have another living creature living alongside me and to hear the noises that she makes. But having two hamsters will definitely increase my ‘hamster time’ :). Quantity over quality, CroΓ»ton! 😭

Since I can take even more time about it I was waiting for a particular cage to be available second-hand, to make it as cheap as possible. Then I will take time filling it to make another enriching environment before adopting another hamster. I want to get a smaller hamster for this one as the enclosure will be slightly smaller, ideally a Roborovski hamster and I found an extremely nearby hamster rescue which has three of them, coincidentally.

Another benefit to having two hamsters is that when one dies…you’ll at least have the other one, and living alone that would matter more. But I would really benefit from having a hamster I can actually handle and play with!

I have already thought of a name…Croissant :).


22 thoughts on “New Amster Who Dis

  1. You seem like such an animal lover. Have you ever thought about getting a dog or cat? Something you can really cuddle with? So many animals need good homes and yours seems like the perfect place 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, thanks! Oh yeah it’s purely about practicality actually, otherwise I’d definitely want a dog, a mini schnauzer. Like most people here who are renting I’m not in a situation to get a dog or cat, since due to the UK’s housing supply and stagnant wages we are all in small apartments with no garden.

      I have the additional problem of the knee arthritis as I wouldn’t be able to walk a dog at all. Even people who know me in person and know well my limitations overlook this, surprisingly! A cat would be great though if I’m ever in a bigger place, but yeah small pets are ideal when you don’t have housing security xD.


      1. No I wasn’t talking about hamsters being sweet I was talking about you. 😁 When you talk about Crouton you sound so caring and such a loving pet owner. Thats why I mentioned getting another pet. Hope I explained that right lol. I love reading all about you and Crouton, you have made her such an awesome home and are so good with her.

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      2. Thank you!! πŸ˜€

        I just feel so responsible considering the hamster doesn’t have any autonomy, it’s so important to continually be assured they are happy :). As a claustrophobic person i feel bad seeing any animals being captive! I’m much happier about humans having dogs as pets, morally speaking. So yeah I’ll do anything for Crouton lol.

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