New Amster Who Dis

I'm gradually working towards getting another hamsterβ€¦πŸ˜†. I get basically zero hamster time with CroΓ»ton so having her has not had too much impact on my daily life. Still nice to have another living creature living alongside me and to hear the noises that she makes. But having two hamsters will definitely increase my 'hamster … Continue reading New Amster Who Dis

Hamster Food Collection

Pet care in 2023 isn't easy lol. Here's my total collection of hamster food: The pink packages contain flax seed sprays which Etta especially prefers apparently. The basic premise behind hamster care when it comes to enclosures and food seems to just be does it appeal to you personally (and it’s safe)? Hamsters have a … Continue reading Hamster Food Collection

Emotional Support Amster

I can't hold back any longer, I'm committed to getting an emotional support hamster! I've been more functional in the last week and finally after 6 months of living here I've been able to start organising and tidying things properly, selling some things I don't need on ebay and throwing away or donating other things. … Continue reading Emotional Support Amster